May 1st, 2014

They say, “Why do you sleep so much
Look at you, it’s 2pm
You’re so thin, why don’t you eat enough”
Is it a sin, to sleep as much as I do
For I dream and I dream a lot,
One time I met God
and I told him to back from me
Because my life is a tragedy
I don’t want to injure him..
In my life I’m not a hero-
When I dream
I am the hero-
I save lives and do everything
that I need to be in this life
But instead I grab a knife
and try to plant it inside myself
because being a hero here
means to sell yourself..
And I don’t want to be like them
So that means to put an end
to anything that differs from normality
My dreams
let me be strong, I can run forever
Once I climbed a mountain
I almost touched the clouds

July 8, 2013

Virgin: Give a description of the person you want to lose (or have lost) your virginity to

He was night at its darkest hour. His hair long and black like midnight,
his heart locked away, and never showing his face to the day
His eyes a bistre brown, and his smile rare although he doesn’t wear a frown..
His embrace is warming and mind always learning
He is a genius within a genius.
and it wouldn’t be fair,
If I started to compare
all the things that made him perfect.
All I can say is that I long for his kiss
and his face is something that I miss
weekly, daily, hourly…
Honestly, I wish he was by my side
All the time.

Disney: Which Disney character are you most like?

I see myself as Belle. Who longs for an adventure,
who would do anything for her family
and who reads all the time (like me)
The only difference is that she was able to stand up to her beast.
While my beast still roars nightly.


Future: Do you think you’d feel better if you know what’s going to happen to you later in your life?


iTunes: Top 10 favorite songs?

Currently they are: 

Stairway to Heaven – Led Zepplin
Run- Snow Patrol
Stay The Night- Green Day
Wake Me Up When September Ends– Green Day
With or Without You – U2
Beam Me  Up- Pink
Lovers’ Eyes- Mumford & Sons
Calling You – Blue October
Hurt- Johnny Cash
Funeral of Hearts – HIM

Turn: Who’s someone you wish you didn’t (have to) say goodbye to?

I wish I didn’t have to say goodbye at all.. To anyone I love that is,
Because in the end,everyone goes away..

Tattoo: What tattoos do you want or have, and what’s the story behind them?

This will be some time…I have a few.

A Celtic cross that I drew because I love crosses. For me it is a symbol of faith. Not just faith with God. But faith in anything.. Faith that all will get better,or that tomorrow comes. 

A butterfly, it is my little sign that everything will be okay.. Butterflies have followed me my entire life. Whenever I was down I would see one come across my path and I would feel  like everything will be okay. 

My zodiac sign: Aries. Because that is who  I am. You cannot  change that about me. I will forever be the ram.

I also want a few quotes. Just because they have helped me at times when I wanted to die. Or just cry myself to sleep. 

Skirt: If you could learn any dance style, which would it be?

Advanced Ballet

Cinema: List of movies that have changed your life or your way of thinking.

The Adjustment Bureau
The Raven
Les Miserables 

Post: If an apocalypse were to happen, what do you think the situation would be?

I’m hoping for a Walking Dead/ Warm Bodies / World War Z kinda thing

Years: Tell us a story from when you were in high (or middle) school.

One time when I was 12. stood up to sing karaoke at a New Years Eve Party, my voice wasn’t perfect and there were a few older teenagers there who had teased me all night. Before the music started playing I turned to my family and all the people I knew there and I spoke into the microphone telling everyone that I didn’t care if  I sucked. And I didn’t care if they thought I was horrible. I was going to sing and sing loudly. After I finished my song. All I remember was everyone clapping loud…. I wish I had the courage that I did when I was 12.

Vinyl: Top 3 favorite albums?

American Idiot
Les Miserables Soundtrack
Speak Now

Blog: What’s something you’ve learned from having your blog?

That no one can tell me I am wrong. Because I am right. And you are as well. We all are right. No one can tell us that we are wrong. I am original I truly am, and I don’t need to stay quiet anymore. I also learned that more people than I know surf the internet.


June 20, 2013

People cause pain, and I hurt and bleed inside because of someone else’s mistakes. You can’t find true love anymore, for when one is in love; it is usually the other person who betrays you and stabs you in the back. Love is blindness. It is a death trap. Love is death for your soul and heart. But we fall inside anyways… We destroy ourselves and we sell out to love. Soulmate, mother, father, best friend, no matter what kind of love it is. You will get hurt. That is the catch with love.. Where is the world I long to be in. Where my happiness lies and my love awaits me. Is it just my imagination? Is it a mirage ? Can I bring love back into this society full of hatred and disgust? This world doesn’t have a problem, it is a people problem. And I will strive to be anything but what society tells me to be. And for now I will lock my already broken soul within myself.

June 5, 2013

What separates me from you ?
You act as if we are ages apart,
You act as talking to me is a crime in itself.

Age is but a number,
Why is it that my little sister has the wisdom of a woman and girls older than her act younger than her.

Age is a constricting thing,
For in our mind we feel anything but our actual age.
We feel decades older
Though I know I am not smarter, or wiser than people older than me.
But maybe, just maybe sometimes I am.
And other days I’m not.
So don’t let a number get between us,
Because usually numbers are the thing that blind us from the answer,
It just takes a solution and patience to figure it out.
So I hope you can figure out the solution to this problem.

June 4, 2013

What is this? Do I sense fear? I haven’t seen you in awhile … How can you come back when I am feeling like this? Not now.. Please. It has been a long while since I have seen you and I never wanted to see you again. Now you are playing with my mind and you are lurking around something you shouldn’t.. Please, just go.. This isn’t something you should be messing with. You don’t mess with me, and who I love. So just go and never show your face to me..

June 2, 2013

Falling isn’t a good thing.. For eventually we all will hurt ourselves. The free fall feels like flying and you are truly happy. but then comes the impact.
The pain.
Oh the pain…
Falling in love and falling off a cliff has the same results.
You break bones with one,
And with the other you are breaking your heart.
Either way something will be broken.
Never fall in love,
Don’t be like me.
For I will love until I destroy myself.

May 31, 2013

I do strongly believe that my choices that I have been making may lead to my self destruction. But I also believe in that sheer hope that I am right, and they will be wrong. But just like you had a hope that took you to your grave, I will have a hope that will out last all other hopes. And you will cry in joy, and wish that you did things like I did.

May 30, 2013

I am now in the adult world and things are a hit and miss. And you better move on quickly, because they won’t have you sulking to yourself. You have to take it like a champion wipe the blood from your mouth and look at your enemy dead in the eye and smile… With your smile, you’re telling them “I can do this.”
But you are also digging yourself a grave.
All that self confidence might kill you in the end
Or it might just save you.

May 30, 2013

And this month went rushing by like a waterfall of memories.. At times I wonder why you aren’t with me and at other times I wonder… How did everything fall apart so fast? It is strange to see how day by day, a life can change so drastically… One minute you were mine and the next we were saying our goodbyes. Parting is such a sweet sorrow, but there is tomorrow and better yet to come. I just have to ride this wave out first and finally when all this evil is over and done with I can get a start on my life.
